Thursday, December 31, 2009

to start this off.

Well my name is Brittany. I'm 20. I recently got married. August. After being engaged for over 2 years and together a year before getting engaged. Hubs and I have no children yet....unless you count our pets. We have a cutsie lil' 2 year old teacup chihuahua named Molly. And we have a cat...well techinically still a kitten, Jester. They act like small children and we treat them that way. >.<
Well....let's see what else. Oh! In October hubs parents bought us a single wide on a quarter acre. Paid in full. What an amazing gift. I'm a housewife. By choice. I'm lucky. I've always wanted to be a fiction writer. I've been writing since I was about 9. I love it. This is actually to help with my writing. :) Well anyway. This is me starting off the new year.
Well I'm going to cook dinner. Pork chops and some kind of vegetable. I've no idea what veggie though. maybe green beans. Well....tomorrow.

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