Saturday, January 30, 2010

My best friend's wedding LOL

well while my best friend was in town doing wedding stuff, we went to david's bridal for my to choose and buy my moh dress and find a flower girl dress for her adorable little cousin. well talking to her today i decided to look up what shoes i'm going to wear. i found a pair at payless that arent too bad. so here is the dress and the shoes.

Now I just have to find accesories. i have like...none. lol
i'm going to wear my hair in a side ponytail, curled with a headband. so let the search begin. lol.

so the diet thing has been going well. my mother's best friend decided her new year's resolution was to change her diet to a healthy one and to lose weight. well she was doing it alone. and i've been doing it alone too. but mom was talking to her about me starting a diet too and one thing led to another and now there is a group. a couple of thier other friends, and my mom are going to start a diet too. i think that working out will be part of this too. but we'll be starting next friday. there will be a new scale bought and print outs of what we can eat. we'll meet once a week. i believe every friday. it's nice to not be doing this alone.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Change is a-comin'

Well my husband has decided to join the army. How do I feel about this? Confused. Selfish. Scared. Supportive. I've hard. I never imagined I would become an army wife...just not something I expected for my life. But he's always wanted to be in the military, and he found out a few months ago that he no longer has a heart murmer so he now can. I don't know. But I'm gonna stick by his side and support him whatever may come.

As for my change....My clothes are already fitting differently. I dont feel bloated all the time. And I feel better. My leg doesnt hurt as much. And I've already started in on making a portfolio for flower arranging. Here is my first pic.

no my camera isnt the best, but I think it's a beautiful picture of a beatiful arrangement. thanks to my hubby for the flowers to arrange. lol.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Career Decision

So last weekend I was helping my friend do a mock up for her upcoming wedding. it was to help make a decision about candles on the tables at the reception. well to do it completely she bought a flower boquet ( i feel i spelled that wrong.) well she was going to arrange the flowers but somehow I wound up doing it. So when i was done, she looked at it and complimented me by saying I could probably get a job in a flower shop. When she said that I was reminded that when I was about 10 years old and decided I wanted to be a writer I also decided to eventually own a flower shop. I had forgotten that a long time ago. Well... I've been giving it some serious thought and well, I could do that for the rest of my life. Arrange flowers that is. It's something creative that doesnt take a long time to complete so I feel like I actually accomplished something. It's hands-on. And I've always loved flowers. I've always loved gardening. Even when I was only 3 and 4 years old I would pick a nice bouquet of wildflowers and bring them to my mother or grandmother all arranged and pretty. On holiday occasions, I would arrange a centerpiece for my grandmothers table when I was older. I said, it's something I feel I could do for the rest of my life. Hubs knows a woman in a nearby small town that owns a flowershop. She was his neighbor where he grew up. He offered to talk to her. I've been told before it's difficult to get a job in a flower shop, but I'm really going to try. There is also a flower shop right at the end of my road so I'm thinking of going up there one day and talking to the owner. Maybe ask questions about getting into the business. Maybe I can get some really good advice. Mom suggested putting together a protfolio. I think that is a great idea and as soon as i can get pictures off my camera to free up some memory I'll be hitting that project pretty hard. And there it is my 2nd big project of the year. (sidenote: I've gotten a good bit done on my's starting to look like a blanket.) So if I can get a job at a flower shop I would be so thrilled. Even if it was only a few hours a week, I would enjoy it and enjoy learning more about the art. Then maybe one day, a bit down the road, I could own and operate my very own successful flowershop.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Diagnosis

Yesterday was my doctor's appointment. I waited 3 months. Well the dr. said that something either cartiledge where my back and hip bones meet or the piriformis muscle (one of the butt muscles) is inflammed and pressing on my sciatic nerve. The easier to repair would be the muscle. so that's what i'm hoping it is. anywho. I was prescribed an anti-inflammatory. And some stretching exercises.
And we talked about me not being able to conceive so far. So the doctor put me on a diet. lean meats, fruits and veggies and whole wheat. only water. nothing else. sheesh. he said no pasta...that's mostly what we eat. lol. oh well....i want to have a baby. so anyway. yesterday i ate a sub from subway. whole wheat, turkey, lettuce, tomatoe, no cheese...omg, pickles, olives and mustard. and salad with baked chicken last night. and for breakfast a banana and yogurt. so i'm going to document what i eat for the next month. mostly to hold myself accountable. well anyway that's all.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sorry for the lapse.

Well the headline for today is that today is my doctor's appointment. Yay!! Maybe I can finally get my back problem taken care of.
Next is that my best friend is back in Texas. : (  I wish that she was still here along with her future hubby also our friend.
Now...I love my new puppy...dont get me wrong....but...ahhhhhh I just wanna choke her out!! she tries to eat EVERYTHING. which is what puppies do...but...gah. she ate paintballs. wtf. she isnt potty trained yet either. so she potties EVERYWHERE. and she's not used to be alone at night she whines at night. and it wakes hubs up and he gets grumpy. It'll be nice when she's old enough to put outside in the pen. As I type she is running off with some peice of clothing to chew on. ugh.
Well... I guess that's it. Not so interesting. But after my dr. appt. I'll blog again and let y'all know what the dr. says.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So growing up I was taught to tithe 10%. I never really have regularly. Well after I got all my christmas money I put $20 in the offering plate. the next day chris was called back into work....coincidence right? I dont think so. Last Sunday I put money in the offering plate again...and yesterday hubs does some work for one of the employers for the city of Aiken, sc. and the guy and hubs chat for a bit and the guy sets up an interview and pretty much garauntees hubs a job. so next monday he has an appointment. the job comes with health insurance the day he starts...for both of us. so amazing. so now titheing is going to be an important. so here are the pictures i promised of the pup.

Our Athena

Monday, January 11, 2010

Our new baby. lol

Friday when hubs got home from work I was in the bedroom watching tv and crocheting. He came in the room gave me a kiss and told me to cover my eyes because he had a surprise for me. He said he'd be right back he had to go get it out of the car. Now while he was gone and i'm sitting there under my blanket i'm wondering what on earth it could be. Did he buy dinner? Did he get a large amount of money? Did he get me jewelry? probably not..Then he walks in and I say to him jokingly "If you have an animal I'm going to kill you" he told me to look...and there was a puppy sitting right in front of me on the bed. OMG! lol. My first thought was we cant afford an another pet. And I almost said no...but I looked at her again...and of course she looked at me with those soulful eyes dogs have....and i just couldnt say no. She's tiny. and she's 8-10 weeks old. She's a mutt, but it's all smaller breeds. She's smart and friendly and playful. Our other animals arent taking to the newcomer yet..but it's only a matter of time. Oh yeah! Her name is Athena. :P

Thursday, January 7, 2010

This ball is rolling...

Well last night I finished another square on my blanket. : D And this morning I started another square. So now I'm on my sixth square. I'm really proud of myself for doing how much I've done.
As for my writing I went back to the other blog and wrote another entry today. Go me!! I feel motivated. To do everthing. I was feeling pretty depressed there....and now just making progress on the things I want to do is making me feel motivated to do the things I dont. Is that how it is for everyone?

Last night hubs said he wishes I got up before him in the morning. I'm not really sure why. He doesnt eat breakfast...and if I were to get up before him, it would wake him up and deprive him of much needed rest. I dunno I guess I'll try....don't know what I'll do in the morning though....weird. Maybe it just makes him feel like I care about him. :/

I got baking pans from my step grandparents for christmas and tonight I'm going to make....lasagne.....I havent made it before so I hope it turns out alright.

My animals are driving me bonkers. They've fianally decided to play together and they run from one end of the house to the other with no regard for my breakables. I have to hold one of them to get them to stop. Makes me want to pull my hair out...oh boy I cant wait to have children. LOL.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

feels like...

It feels like everyone I know my age has their shit together...and it feels like I dont. I havent gone to college...who knows if I ever will. I dont have a job. I just got married, yes, but I cant even begin to plan taking the next step. I dunno...guess I'm really just feeling a little sorry for myself. Well the good news is that I am finally writing again. I've started a book...a memoir...and I know what you're thinking...what 20 yr old writes a memoir...or at least one that is worth I was going to put it off until I was older...had more life experience and would be taken more seriously. But I have a block. I've had a block for a long time now. I finally figured out what was giving me this creative writing's this So I'm gonna write it. So now I've begun my second big project of the year. Let's hope I'll finish my first one as well as this one.

Project 1 : Crochet throw blanket
Project 2: Write memoir.

I was telling my mother about writing this and she asked if I was going to make sure everything was accurate before I tried to get it published...I told her yes, but that's not entirely true. I am writing it as a I can see progress and hopefully at some point get feedback. Maybe when I have more than one follower I'll post a link. The book is titled A Moment of Grace. It's not about how terrible my life has been, it's about how my life was bad and changed for the better in one moment...about how I've overcome alot of obstacles. My hope is that it does get published and read by someone who will draw comfort or inspiration from it. So I'm going to pray that God takes this book where it needs to go. Maybe before this book is done being written something else extrodinary will happen and I can write it in there. :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"Oh the weather outside is frightful...."

It is currently 23 degrees outside. That is ridiculously cold for this region. And last night when hubs finally came to bed, he said that they are predicting snow Thursday and Friday here. something like 4 inches. I hope it does snow, but I hope that it waits until Saturday. Hubs needs to work. We need money. life....for the past 10 years has been about learning to cope. Coping with the present, coping with the past. Coping with changes. Coping with other peoples problems. I guess that is just an ongoing part of life. I dunno.
So I have a problem with my right hip and leg. I think it has to do with my back but I really dont know any more. I can't do anything. I take that back. Some days I can walk around and run and it's like nothing is wrong...besides the constant pain. Other days I cry from the excrutiating pain from something as simple as turning over in bed, or sitting down. The only comfort I have right now is that my doctor's appointment is only 15 days away now. Then we get to finally do something about this. I have been dealing with this for about 6 1/2 months now.

I've been married now for 4 months and 14 days. LOL. just popped in my head.

Well I'm about to go do some dishes and get on facebook.

Monday, January 4, 2010


I'm coming down with a headcold. My nose is runny and my throat is getting sore. The best thing about winter. Well today Chris was sent home from work because his boss deemed it too cold to work. Apparently the guy threw a pickaxe on the ground and it bounced back up. 0.0 Anywhoozles. Well at this point, I really don't know what direction I want this blog to go in. Previous blogs I've had were pretty much online diaries. But i dunno, I think I'd like this to have some higher purpose. And I'd like it to be something different. Not cooking. Although I am experimenting. I'm already married so I cant talk about the planning. And so far I'm unable to get pregnant so cant go there either. I dunno. Maybe something to do with writing. Since that is my passion. Well untill I decide I suppose I'll continue this as a diary.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Technically it's Sunday

It's 1:25 am. I'm waiting for some fish to mature on my fishville app on facebook. LOLZ. My life is so exciting.
So the car is not completely repaired, BUT, it is better. I'm not sure for how long though. :/ Guess only time will tell.
Tonight for dinner I made pork chops, collards (yes again), and mashed potatoes (from scratch of course). I love cooking meals. Hate the cleaning up afterward though. I must admit I am a messy cook. But I sure have fun making those messes. LOL. I also cooked the rest of the greens for church. Mmmmmmm. They are so good. Anywho.
So until I find the USB cord for my camera there wont be any recent pictures in this blog, but hopefully I'll find it soon. But here are some pictures I have on my computer that I like a whole lot.

i actually painted that.

This was taken summer "07

And this was in Lousiana on our way back from TX last Feburary.

I took this one of hubs and me at the lake last March.

And that's us holding up our marriage certificate. August 22, 2009.
One of the happiest days of my life.

Well I suppose that's all for now. I'm off to bed so I can get up bright and early at 9:30...ish :)


I dont know if anyone else has noticed this but the date today is a palindrome. :)

Well last night hubs and I went to my mother's house for New Year's dinner. We had the traditional meal.
White rice for fertility/bounty.
Black eyed peas for luck.
Collard greens for money.
we also had scalloped potatoes and cornbread. oh yeah and cake. Yesterday was actually my stepfather's birthday. So not only were we celebrating the new year but also his 34th birthday.
Las night was full of surprises. First my lil brother's half brother was there. I havent seen him in a long time. Now the kid's grown, in the army reserves, has a serious girlfriend and is living on his own. It blows my mind. I remember when he was like 7. He's the only younger boy I ever liked too. LOL. (but that's another blog) Also my mother's best friend and her family came. This is surprising because she doesnt often come to my mother's house. The most amazing thing however, is that as many people as there were there, there was not one single arguement. (Generally when my family gets together there is bickering.
Yesterday I cooked the collards for the meal and took them over there. Because of a breakdown in communication on my mother's part, my stepfather's mother (nana) also brought collards. I was a little disappointed at first because I dont usually have the chance to cook for people besides myself and hubs. I figured my collards wouldnt even be eaten because Nana had brought collards too. Well I was mistaken. Apparently Nana doesnt make collards very well. And apparently I do. That was only my third time making them and there were none leftover. So that made me feel good. I actually bought twice as much as I needed so I'm going to make some for church tomorrow.

Well the agenda for today is to clean out my car and drive it to my inlaws so hubs and his father can find out what is wrong with it and hopefully fix it. After that I do not know what I will be doing but I'm pretty sure it will involve the computer and/or the tv.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The New Year

Well yesterday, it being New Year's eve and all, I took a look back at 2009, and it being the end of a decade I also took a look at the past decade.

Well we started by moving in January. We went to Houston, TX (the farthest west I had ever been). I came home with my vehicle and got a job. We celebrated being engaged for 2 years. I turned 20, leaving those teen years behind forever. I lost my job because our economy is crumbling. Hubs got a job. We got married in August and went to Tybee Island, GA for our honeymoon. We moved into my mother's house. In October hubs parents bought us a house. They paid for it in full, giving us the best wedding gift ever. Our holidays this year were wonderful. Each and every one of them.

The 'oo Decade
In 2000 I turned 11. I was in 5th grade. That was the year I decided to become a writer and poet. The decade started off in the worst way. New Year's eve 1999 I wasn't thinking about Y2K like most ppl were. I was instead thinking of how to deal with my father. He was sexually abusing me and my mother was caught up in a bad marriage so I felt I couldnt tell her. The next year I did tell her. In 2000 I also met my bestest friend of 9 years. (It'll be 10 yrs in August.) Lets not forget I moved and started middle school. I moved again and started high school. I met my next bestest friend. We've now been friends for 6 years. During this decade I've had my fair share of heartache caused by boys. Four boys. Lots of heartache. But that's ok because I also met the man I just married. My husband. Lost my virginity to him. Graduated high school. Cut off communication with my father. Repaired the relationship with my mother. Started a real relationship with my little sister. Oh I got my lil girl Molly (chihuahua) and my little boy Jester (kitty). Moved all of 10 times. ( holy cow) Created a myspace page and then moved on to Facebook. I've learned alot about love, about life and a whole hell of alot about myself. I'm sure the next decade will be far more intresting though.

So on to the next thing.

My New Year's Resolution
To be perfectly honest I wasnt going to have one this year. I disappoint myself every year because I never think about that resolution to lose weight, or get a job, or write a book, or whatever else I may decide. But hubs pushed me to come up with something. So I have. This year my resolution is to FINISH 3 big projects. To some people this is no big deal, but I'm a big time procrastonator. I'm posting this in my blog so that I will feel I'm being held accountable.
As for what projects, I'm not sure. I have my first one though. Like 2 days ago I started crocheting a throw blanket for my living room. It's deep red and black checkered. So far I have worked on it every day. Maybe I'll be able to see this project to the end. And maybe I'll be able to stick to this New Year's resolution.