Saturday, January 2, 2010

Technically it's Sunday

It's 1:25 am. I'm waiting for some fish to mature on my fishville app on facebook. LOLZ. My life is so exciting.
So the car is not completely repaired, BUT, it is better. I'm not sure for how long though. :/ Guess only time will tell.
Tonight for dinner I made pork chops, collards (yes again), and mashed potatoes (from scratch of course). I love cooking meals. Hate the cleaning up afterward though. I must admit I am a messy cook. But I sure have fun making those messes. LOL. I also cooked the rest of the greens for church. Mmmmmmm. They are so good. Anywho.
So until I find the USB cord for my camera there wont be any recent pictures in this blog, but hopefully I'll find it soon. But here are some pictures I have on my computer that I like a whole lot.

i actually painted that.

This was taken summer "07

And this was in Lousiana on our way back from TX last Feburary.

I took this one of hubs and me at the lake last March.

And that's us holding up our marriage certificate. August 22, 2009.
One of the happiest days of my life.

Well I suppose that's all for now. I'm off to bed so I can get up bright and early at 9:30...ish :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you have to look at these wedding pics. I saw the link on a blog about tacky weddings.

