Friday, January 1, 2010

The New Year

Well yesterday, it being New Year's eve and all, I took a look back at 2009, and it being the end of a decade I also took a look at the past decade.

Well we started by moving in January. We went to Houston, TX (the farthest west I had ever been). I came home with my vehicle and got a job. We celebrated being engaged for 2 years. I turned 20, leaving those teen years behind forever. I lost my job because our economy is crumbling. Hubs got a job. We got married in August and went to Tybee Island, GA for our honeymoon. We moved into my mother's house. In October hubs parents bought us a house. They paid for it in full, giving us the best wedding gift ever. Our holidays this year were wonderful. Each and every one of them.

The 'oo Decade
In 2000 I turned 11. I was in 5th grade. That was the year I decided to become a writer and poet. The decade started off in the worst way. New Year's eve 1999 I wasn't thinking about Y2K like most ppl were. I was instead thinking of how to deal with my father. He was sexually abusing me and my mother was caught up in a bad marriage so I felt I couldnt tell her. The next year I did tell her. In 2000 I also met my bestest friend of 9 years. (It'll be 10 yrs in August.) Lets not forget I moved and started middle school. I moved again and started high school. I met my next bestest friend. We've now been friends for 6 years. During this decade I've had my fair share of heartache caused by boys. Four boys. Lots of heartache. But that's ok because I also met the man I just married. My husband. Lost my virginity to him. Graduated high school. Cut off communication with my father. Repaired the relationship with my mother. Started a real relationship with my little sister. Oh I got my lil girl Molly (chihuahua) and my little boy Jester (kitty). Moved all of 10 times. ( holy cow) Created a myspace page and then moved on to Facebook. I've learned alot about love, about life and a whole hell of alot about myself. I'm sure the next decade will be far more intresting though.

So on to the next thing.

My New Year's Resolution
To be perfectly honest I wasnt going to have one this year. I disappoint myself every year because I never think about that resolution to lose weight, or get a job, or write a book, or whatever else I may decide. But hubs pushed me to come up with something. So I have. This year my resolution is to FINISH 3 big projects. To some people this is no big deal, but I'm a big time procrastonator. I'm posting this in my blog so that I will feel I'm being held accountable.
As for what projects, I'm not sure. I have my first one though. Like 2 days ago I started crocheting a throw blanket for my living room. It's deep red and black checkered. So far I have worked on it every day. Maybe I'll be able to see this project to the end. And maybe I'll be able to stick to this New Year's resolution.


  1. I love that you included Myspace and Facebook in your look back on the decade lol.

  2. well it's a big part of at least the past five years. you have to admit that. lol
